

Autogenic can help one manage and enhance positive behaviors in life. It helps you experience peace, warmth, and relaxation in your body. You can also have mental health which is very essential. You can also do this to avoid destructive habits like drug abuse. Ways to undertake autogenic training -palming. Start by choosing a silent quite place.

 Autogenic training - Silent quite place

The place should be very comfortable and without any distractions. Start by a rhythm of deep breaths. Make sure you breathe out more than you breathe in. Continue with this exercise until you are totally relaxed. Repeat this for a number of times in a day to master the relaxation formula. When this is repeated for three days in a week, you can comfortably say that you have attained supreme calmness.
 Autogenic training - Palming

For 21 days, practice normal breathing as per the formula says. You should then do the same to your body parts, but using the same breathing pattern. Alternate body parts: you can start by the hands followed by legs. For the following two weeks, practice the routine. Take the right hand followed by the left. You could say ‘my hand is becoming warm and heavy’.

Palming - Autogenic training
After this, you should go to the leg followed by your heart beat. The next routine is all about the central part of your body. Say something like ‘My legs are becoming heavy and limp’ but you should ensure to maintain the same breathing rate. Go to your hands, saying something like ‘my hands are becoming warmer and warmer’. Lastly, proclaim your achievement of complete calmness.


Autogenic can be carried out to people who undergo a lot of stress in their day to day activities. This could be used as a remedy to stress or a way of easing the same. It can also be used on people who suffer from anxiety disorder. It can be done at home to individuals although nowadays it is used to deal with low productivity by companies.

Autogenic training - Silent place

For a person who has never practiced autogenic, first read a book that talks about the technique or search the sites that deals with the same. Go to a silent place that you cannot be distracted. Dress in a loose fitting outfit and remove your shoes. Put music that has tunes of nature if you so wish. It advised that you do this on an empty stomach.

Have some breathing exercise .Take in air using the nose and out via the mouth. Make a point of breathing out more as the compared to breathing in. Place your hand on the abdomen and feel it move in and out with the breathing.

How does Autogenic training work?

Practice heavy breathing. You should utter a statement like ‘my hand is relaxed’ and as you breathe out. You could go further to saying ‘my hand is becoming tighter and tighter’. Repeat this for some 8 to 9 times. After you have gained control of your whole being say ‘I am totally relaxed’. Learn to practice this for three to four times in a day. Do this for three days in a week.


Autogenic basically mean “self origin”. Autogenic training is training developed from one’s self. The training is comprised of the first stage that involves a series of six exercises. The exercises are carried out three to four times a week. To carry out the exercise, you are expected to have a relaxed state of mind. Here you are expected to have every part of your body relaxed. One is expected to think inwards and to concentrate on the inner self more.

For example; when your hand feels heavy, in reality it should be. When you are in this situation and reflecting to self, the hand should be light. As you perfect one procedure, a new one should be learnt. The other is when you master to control heart beat, breathing apparatus, inner organ and mind. During the whole procedure, one should be able to concentrate.

Autogenic training - cope stress

The whole idea was formulated by Johannes Shultz in 1930s.The main concept is to be able to train the body to follow mind. Autogenic should also make a person relax completely at all times. Dr. Gisela Eberlein in his study realized that one learns to control the organs and the organic system. When you master this, you could control the circulatory system and prevent blushing.

Autogenic training

It is also advised that you should undertake autogenic under supervision. If the technique is not well handled it could be dangerous. One could experience emotional problems as a result of autogenic.