

Autogenic basically mean “self origin”. Autogenic training is training developed from one’s self. The training is comprised of the first stage that involves a series of six exercises. The exercises are carried out three to four times a week. To carry out the exercise, you are expected to have a relaxed state of mind. Here you are expected to have every part of your body relaxed. One is expected to think inwards and to concentrate on the inner self more.

For example; when your hand feels heavy, in reality it should be. When you are in this situation and reflecting to self, the hand should be light. As you perfect one procedure, a new one should be learnt. The other is when you master to control heart beat, breathing apparatus, inner organ and mind. During the whole procedure, one should be able to concentrate.

Autogenic training - cope stress

The whole idea was formulated by Johannes Shultz in 1930s.The main concept is to be able to train the body to follow mind. Autogenic should also make a person relax completely at all times. Dr. Gisela Eberlein in his study realized that one learns to control the organs and the organic system. When you master this, you could control the circulatory system and prevent blushing.

Autogenic training

It is also advised that you should undertake autogenic under supervision. If the technique is not well handled it could be dangerous. One could experience emotional problems as a result of autogenic.

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