
Smile more :)

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

Cameron Diaz - big smile
Many people are a little nervous about smiling because they don't think their smile looks good. No matter how professional, intelligent, or in control you think a serious face makes you appear, people almost always respond better to a smile. The easiest way to a great smile is to be happy.

Will Smith - beautiful smile

You can be happy all the time…but not everybody is; when you are not, you can think happy thoughts instead. Think about something or someone that you care about, or think about a good joke that you just find hilarious. Remarkably, when you're feeling down, smiling can help cheer you up, even if you have to coax a smile out at first.

David Beckham - happy smile

When we think of smiling, we think of the mouth, but the eyes may actually be more essential to a warm, genuine smile. When your eyes do smile, remember how it feels, which muscles are working and how…with practice, you'll be able to smile with your eyes at will.

Ashton Kutcher - honest smile

If you want to improve your smile…look at pictures of smiles that you believe are beautiful. Think good thoughts and remember that you are beautiful…inside and out.

Jennifer Aniston - great smile

Your smile is bound to look better if you feel good about yourself!

Yoga Breathing

Breathing is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do when we die.

Way breath…simple answer…because, strengthens your respiratory and immune systems, promotes healing on emotional, physical and psychological levels, reduces stress, energizes greater alertness to your body and brain, supports clear, truthful thinking and actions…

strengthens your respiratory
Yoga breathing will help you to develop the maximum capacity of your lungs, activating areas that are usually inactive. Right from the beginning you should gain awareness of how restricted your breathing actually is. With a little effort and practice, you will soon notice an improvement!

Yoga breathing - cope stress
Finally, when we look at effect, Breathing Techniques have two major advantages. Not only our body and mind relax through the Meditations, but our breathing itself improves as well. It is not very surprising then that many Meditation Techniques are based on breathing!

Breathing Techniques - Yoga - cope stress
Yoga breathing techniques - conditions:
  • First, make sure you are sitting in a comfortable, relaxed position before starting any yoga breathing techniques.
  • Gently close your eyes and relax.
  • Also try to find a quiet place, free from any distractions, and also one which is well-ventilated with fresh air.
  • Sit with your spine straight, and perfectly upright.

The yoga way of breathing will come naturally to you.


Relaxed Breathing

You can use breathing to relax quickly and to get control of the situation.

Deep and regular breathing
When under heavy pressure, this will help to change your superficial, tight and often short breathing into a deep and constant breathing.Start your inhalation from your belly, to your ribs and midriff. Finally up to the upper part of your chest. For breathing out, do the same thing the other way round - from your chest - to your belly again.

Relaxed breathing - cope stress

This type of breathing makes sure that the energy that you will need to get things under control again flows into you and is a bit similar to the way you breathe during sports, for instance.

Deep and regular breathing - cope stress
Your breathing is not high, superficial, and uneven anymore. Mind you, you are still in a state of agitation but you are in control again.

Long exhalations
Often only a few long, deep exhalations are enough to relax. The exhalations must be longer than the inhalations.

Long exhalations - cope stress
Through this type of breathing, we trigger the relaxation response that should slowly take us back to the balance in which normally, we are relaxed.

Natural, relaxed breathing

Natural - relaxed breathing - cope stress

Here, we let the breathing have its way and do whatever it likes. We observe without controlling it. There should be no tension and everything goes smoothly and wonderful!


Breathing Techniques

Breathing - Meditation Techniques - cope stress

When you use the breath, you are able to harness the mind and gain control of your emotions… and it gives a lot of freedom…

Breathing - Meditation - Yoga - cope stress
Breathing is a top indicator of how body and mind are feeling at this moment. Are we stressed, upset, happy, nervous, or putting in too much effort, just look at your breath and you will know at once.

Yoga - Breathing - cope stress

This technique manipulates the flow of energy through the channels in body, bringing balance that is both stimulating and relaxing.
Moreover, we see that in western medicine, sports, and psychiatry, oriental Breathing Techniques are applied. We can change the speed or the place of our breath to relax. Our breathing is a suitable Meditation object because it is always there, anytime, anywhere, in a more or less constant and even rhythm.

Breathing Techniques - Meditation - cope stress
You can use Breathing Meditation Techniques anytime, anywhere - in the living room, at work, during a traffic jam, during moments of stress, etc.

anytime, anywhere - in the living room...
Finally, when we look at effect, Breathing Techniques have two major advantages. Not only our body and mind relax through the Meditations, but our breathing itself improves as well. It is not very surprising then that many Meditation Techniques are based on breathing!